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6964 - Paga $20 por exámenes de laboratorio que incluyen hemograma, plaquetas, glicemia, nitrógeno de urea, creatinina, ácido úrico, colesterol, triglicéridos, TGO, TGP y amilasa en Laboratorio VDC PTY (Valor $85). Opciones con orientación dietética disponible.

jon owens
Is testing of any hormone levels included? If so, which? Thank you.
Ariel Cordoba
Cuánto es el costo adicional si a la opción 1 le quiero agregar LDL y HDL???
Sarybel Campos
Hello Mr Jon, our offer do not included hormone levels but we can make it with a promotion price separetly when you get your test !! Your can call for more information in case you need it !! Or if your prefer you can visit us at our web site where is a online quotation and many promotions as well
Laboratorio VDC PTY
Buenas noches Sr Ariel. Si desea adicional HDL y LDL sería 15 B/. Por ambas. Estamos para servirle